Ron the Web Guy - website janitor

Website Janitor for Hire

28+ years of experience in web development and web hosting

Some of the many “possible” messy website scenarios that I can clean up:

  • A web designer convinces you to pay them big $$$ for a “pretty website
    • You pay the website designer big $$$ for your “pretty website” then hope & pray it works out
    • Usually: Your pretty WordPress website gets little to no organic/free traffic – SEO = organic/free traffic
    • Sometimes the pretty website designer suggests you pay for Google/Facebook ads to get traffic = pay more $$$
  • Domain name:
    • You hired/paid a 3rd party to register your domain name and they disappeared!
    • You paid a “Domain Registry” company to renew your domain name
    • You paid a “Domain Listings” company to renew your domain name
    • Now: Who owns your domain name?
  • Improper security on your WordPress website and/or webserver (website hosting) resulting in getting hacked
    • Lack of SSL
    • Outdated PHP code
    • Outdated plugins, etc.
    • Your WordPress website was hacked!
  • You hired a “marketing company” and they:
    • ruined your Google analytics
    • convinced you to redesign your website using an outdated platform/technology
    • convinced you to go with a “cheaper” or a “better known” web hosting company and now your website doesn’t look or work properly
  • You bought into one of the many “cheap” webhosting plans that cost 4X-8X as much after the 1st year
    • 1st year cheap webhosting = $3.99 per month
    • 2nd year not so cheap webhosting = $39.99 per month
    • 3rd year definitely not cheap webhosting = $49.99 per month
    • NO MAINTENANCE/LIMITED SUPPORT when you have webhosting issues
    • Now you have to pay extra for a “maintenance plan”
  • DIY gone wrong – doing it yourself to “save money” sounds great until you run into issues that take more time to solve than it’s worth
  • SEO – someone convinced you that they were an “SEO expert” and now your WordPress website is banned from search engines
  • You hired someone to import product data into your WordPress website and now you have products showing up that don’t make sense
    • WooCommerce data feeds/imports are tricky and if not done properly—can and will cause you headaches later
    • I can cleanup WooCommerce data feed imports so that your website is customer friendly and SEO friendly
    • GTIN/UPC – Google Merchant Center importing and more
  • You found someone on a well-advertised & marketed “freelance” website, and they created a mess on your website
    • If it sounds too good to be true…

When your current website situation doesn’t work out for you (lack of sales, lack of support, product issues, website errors, security concerns, etc.) – contact Ron the Web Guy (aka: website janitor for hire) to clean up the mess created by the “pretty website” designer or “marketing company“.

Ron the Web Guy is a full-service web presence company… way more than your typical “web design” company. This means that I can save you a lot of money and time building and managing your online web presence as well as marketing.

“Ron the Web Guy is great and knows how to drive SEO results, I highly recommend him.” – Robert W.

“I had an 40-minute interview with Ron for my thesis about e-commerce (Shopify, WordPress etc.) and immediately heard that he has great knowledge about all these different CMS’s, and e-commerce in general. Ron gave me new insights on the topic thanks to his 25 years of experience. A great guy who know what he’s talking about!” – Joep, ex Yoast intern

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